Ahpu Nguapha
Ahph Nguapha has worked tirelessly for many years to teach the Bible to the Lisu people and help meet their need for educated leaders. Ahpu was born into a Christian family in northern Burma. His parents were Christians who fled from China in the 1950's in the face of violent persecution from Communist government officials. Ahpu's ministry involves evangelism, church planting, leadership training, and literature production. He has taught the Bible at three different Bible schools with the majority of his time being spent at the Lisu Bible Institute, of which he is now the director. Ahpu obtained a Master of Religious Education from Cincinnati Christian Seminary in 1986, a Master of Divinity from Lincoln Christian Seminary in 1997, and a Doctor of Ministry from Ashland Theological Seminary in 2006.
Training seminars
Ahpu's other ministries include writing Christian books in the Lisu language, recording Bible lessons, and traveling to host Bible and Theology training seminars throughout Burma, China, and Thailand. He has developed a model of leadership training to empower and equip Lisu Christian leaders. The model is designed to take the training courses to the Lisu Christian leaders in the form of a short-term Bible program. The entire program includes 18 courses. Ahpu travels to China and Burma as often as funds, and time away from LBI, permit to teach these sessions.
Ahpu getting ready to board a helicopter to go to a remote village in Northern India, only accessible by helicopter or a 7 day walk from the closest city. He spent 2 weeks preaching and teaching to Lisu people there in 2018.
Ahpu (center) with other LBI professors and a student.
Ahpu has written 9 books titled: God's Plan for Church Leadership, Hermeneutics, Minor Prophets, An Overview of Old Testament History, Study of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology), New Testament Church, The Seven Churches of Revelation, Biblical Theology, and Walking with the Holy Spirit. These books are essential to help the Lisu people learn as there is little to no Christian literature, besides the Bible, available in the Lisu language. Ahpu has been working on writing another book titled Major Prophets. Distributing these books to the Lisu people has been huge in helping them learn and grow in their faith, as they previously only had the Bible to learn from. There have been about 1,000 copies of each book printed and distributed throughout Thailand, China, and Burma.
Ahpu and a student distributing several copies of Ahpu's book.